So let me tell you about what happened this week. Friday we went to the bishop's house to organize some things to help our ward grow and how to retain the converts. And well he ended up giving us a reference. And with the reference he gave us he told us I want you to teach her today and baptize her tomorrow. So we went and taught her. We taught her the Restauration and The Gospel of Jesus Christ and understood it all and accepted it all and so we asked, Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by getting baptized by someone who holds the proper authority and she accepted. She said yes and then my comp asks her ¨by tomorrow"? She was kinda in shock she was like tomorrow why tomorrow ha ha anyways she accepted and was way stoked to get baptized. It was awesome. So it will probably be the fastest baptism I'll have. But the girl, she has gone to church the past 3 weeks and was already part of the ward just needed to be baptized. After she got baptized all the Young women were way stoked and hugging her and going all crazy. It was awesome. The girl who we baptized her name is Melissa. And her mom is a less active and she went to her baptism and it was really spiritual. So hopefully that helps her mom to reactivate herself.
Also this week we are planning a family for baptism. We have to marry them and then baptize them. It will be awesome. Also another family we are preparing for baptism, the kid is already talking about serving a mission and where he would like to go. He is 19 and awesome. So if you could pray for them it would be awesome. The Family this week there names are Mauricio y Reina and for the next week Ismael Yamilett Carmen Ismael. And wow, I forgot the little girls name but she is awesome. I just call her hermanita. I hope all goes well.
We have been working a lot lately. When I got to this area 1 out of 43 recent converts went to church it was so frustrating. But this month we had 15 of 20 also the attendance was at like 50 this week. We achieved 100 people. So we reached those goals right on the dot. We wanted a retention of 75% and got it and an attendance of 100 people nailed it. It was awesome.
So this week I decided that I wanted to read the whole triple and the bible in Spanish before I finished the mission. Well I have finished the book of mormon and now I am in DandC seccion 20. I love reading the scriptures and learning now. It's kinda hard cause I am still disciplining my self. Before the mission I couldn't read worth crap. I would think about other things or my head would hurt and I would stop reading. But now I am getting used to reading a ton. So that is a goal I have recently put.
For like the first year of my mission I was thinking about when I got back I was thinking I wouldn't feel weird at all going back but now having like 14 months and getting closer to going home I feel like everything is going to be so weird and I am going to be weird when i get back. Especially being around white people that will be the weirdest. And my English will suck. I always mix my Spanish in with English now.
Well I am so stoked for conference. So stoked for these next coming weeks. Well I miss ya a ton and now I am a two hander. In just 10 months I'll be kickin it with you again. Ha ha can't wait to see ya again love ya.
Love, Elder Moore