So I will start off by telling you that my convert is my comp. It's awesome. He didn't get set apart, but he is going to be here for 6 weeks. His name is Elder Martinez (Ismael) from Chinandega. He got baptized 2 months ago and now he is in the mission field. He has a way strong testimony and teaches good. That is because I taught him ha ha and I am continuing to teach him. He has learned a lot but still has a lot to learn. He was the secretary in his ward before coming on the mini mission. It is great working with him.
We did work this week. My first week in San Ramon we had an attendance of 15, second week 9, third week 22 this week we had 34. It was awesome. Also we only had 2 people with the priesthood. Well this Sunday we ordained 3 men to the Aaronic priesthood. It was awesome. We got all of them to go in white shirts and ties cause believe it or not that is hard to do here. So now we have 5 priesthood holders in our branch. The district president talked to me today and told me that he was proud of the work we did in San Ramon this week. So this week was good. We only brought one investigator to church tho but with me that was ok cause I was focused on getting the men ordained to their office of priesthood. We are building the firm base then we are going to build on top of it.
I am also way stoked for my convert cause on January 18th we are going to have the awesome opportunity to meet an apostol and have him speak to us. Elder Ballard is coming. It is going to be awesome. Ismael (my convert) is way stoked. And I am happy for him. So I have had a good week this week. Just got to keep workin.
That is crazy that Adam is already almost home. That is crazy awesome. I lack a little over 6 months. Time is flying.
So about the potatoes you don't have to send them to me. They try to make mashed potatoes here but they mix it with cream and it's way gross and I almost throw up when I eat it so I kinda lost my likin for mashed potatoes at this moment ha ha.But ya my face is clearing up but ya send me the stuff. I am just waiting for some red marks to go away but it has gotten a ton better.
For the plaque the ward wants to make for me, put this as my scripture dyc 50 13-14.
I love ya and miss ya a ton. Only 200 days more, aint nothin. I started off with like 734 but we have gone done a ton. Love ya and miss ya.
Love, Elder Moore